Hi, I’m Abigail.
I’m currently a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Tufts University, where I’m a Research Assistant in Dr. Karen Panetta’s Vision and Sensing Systems Laboratory. My primary interests are in computer vision, machine learning, and remote sensing.
Before Tufts, I received my B.A. in Computer Science from Middlebury College, where I worked with Professor Andrea Vaccari on algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery.
When I’m not coding, I spend my time running, birding, and zooming around the city on my bicycle. I’m also a cellist in the all-volunteer Cambridge Symphony Orchestra.
My research work has touched on segmentation and depth estimation problems in a variety of domains. My most recent research projects have dealt with volume estimation for automated nutrition logging systems and deep learning algorithms for hyperspectral imaging systems in agriculture.
You can read more about individual projects over on the Research tab.
Feel free to get in touch with me via email at abigail [at] abigailstone.net
You can also find me on GitHub, LinkedIn, or Google Scholar.