Abigail Stone

Hi, I’m Abigail.

I’m a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Tufts University, advised by Dr. Karen Panetta. I’m a Research Assistant in Dr. Panetta’s Vision and Sensing Systems Laboratory. My main interests are in computer vision, machine learning, and remote sensing.

Before Tufts, I received my B.A. in Computer Science from Middlebury College, where I worked with Professor Andrea Vaccari on algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery.

When I’m not coding, I spend my time running, birding, and zooming around the city on my bicycle. I’m also a cellist in the all-volunteer Cambridge Symphony Orchestra.

I can be reached by email at abigail.stone [at] tufts.edu.

You can also find me on GitHub, LinkedIn, or Google Scholar.